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Side Drawer

BsSideDrawer is a lightweight component's container which may contains application navigation, logo and others.


BsSideDrawer is usually used to house your application navigation. It works well with BsAppbar and can automatically adapt to the screen size. You also can change the component's color using the color property and use any color variants as you like.


BsSideDrawer support 2 position location: left and right. Use position property with value left or right to change the position location.

Added since v2.0.0

Mini Side Drawer

BsSideDrawer also support mini size. Sets the mini property to true to enable the mini Side Drawer. You can adjust the width of <bs-side-drawer> on minimize state using the mini-width property.

Usage Example

The following are a collection of examples that demonstrate more advanced use of the <bs-side-drawer>.

Use With Appbar

Clipped Side Drawer

API Reference

Released under the BSD-3-Clause License.