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Getting Started

Vue MDBootstrap can be used to built Single Page Application (SPA) by using module bundler or built common web page by using resources from the CDN.


  • Vue.js v3.x is required, v3.5.x is recommended
  • Bootstrap v5.2 is required, v5.2.3 is recommended
  • Vue Router v4.x is optional, and is required for building SPA using module bundler
  • Pinia is optional, and is required for building SPA using module bundler
  • Vuelidate is optional, and is required for forms validation

Setup Project

Using Module Bundler

If you are building a Single Page Application, then you can use module bundler such as Vite, Vue Cli or Webpack to build and jump-start your project. And use yarn or npm to get the latest version of Vue.js and Vue MDBootstrap. We assume you have created your project using Vite + Vue. If not, please read the manual first.

# With npm
npm install vue-mdbootstrap@next --save

# With yarn
yarn add vue-mdbootstrap@next

Create Vue application and mount at #app entry point.

// file: main.ts or main.js

// Import global function to register the components and create Vue application
import { createVueMdb } from 'vue-mdbootstrap';

// Import main component or page layout
import App from '@/App.vue';

// Import router navigation, 
// read vue-router manual on how to setup the navigation
import router from '@/router'; 

// Import components css stylesheet with minimum color variants
import 'vue-mdbootstrap/styles';

// Optional, import other color variants
// import 'vue-mdbootstrap/color-styles';

// Main code start here...
const app = createVueMdb(App);

Individual Components

There are cases in your project that you only need some components of Vue MDBootstrap and for this you can add them as follows:

// file: main.ts or main.js

import { createApp } from 'vue';

// Import Button component plugins
import { BsButtonPlugin } from 'vue-mdbootstrap';

// Import main component or page layout
import App from '@/App.vue';

// Import components css stylesheet with minimum color variants
import 'vue-mdbootstrap/styles';

// Optional, import other color variants
// import 'vue-mdbootstrap/color-styles';

// Your main code
const app = createApp(App);

// Registers the Button component plugin


You can also register all the UI components manually.

// file: main.ts or main.js

import { createApp } from 'vue';

// Import all UI component plugins
import * as _plugins from 'vue-mdbootstrap';

// Import main component or page layout
import App from '@/App.vue';

// Import components css stylesheet with minimum color variants
import 'vue-mdbootstrap/styles';

// Optional, import other color variants
// import 'vue-mdbootstrap/color-styles';

// Your main code
const app = createApp(App);

// Registers all the UI component plugins
for (const key of Object.keys(_plugins)) {
  if (key.startsWith('Bs') && key.endsWith('Plugin')) {


Now, everything is registered and you are ready to go. Please note, this component still requires css from Bootstrap 5. Use code below at the HTML <head> section to load the Bootstrap css framework.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" crossorigin="anonymous"/>

Using CDN Resources

You can get the latest version of Vue MDBootstrap directly from unpkg or jsdelivr. Then use the js and css files on your html <head> section to get started.

Code below is an example on how to create HTML page using Vue MDBootstrap.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0" />
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet" crossorigin="anonymous"/>
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet" crossorigin="anonymous">
  <script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
  <script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

  <div id="app" class="container">
    <h3 class="mt-4">Contextual Buttons</h3>
    <bs-card class="bg-grey-200 border-0 mt-3">
        <div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
          <bs-button @click="count++">Click me</bs-button>
          <bs-button color="primary" @click="count++">Click me</bs-button>
          <bs-button color="secondary" @click="count++">Click me</bs-button>
          <bs-button color="success" @click="count++">Click me</bs-button>
          <bs-button color="danger" @click="count++">Click me</bs-button>
          <bs-button color="warning" @click="count++">Click me</bs-button>
          <bs-button color="info" @click="count++">Click me</bs-button>
        <div class="mt-3 text-center md-fw-semibold">Count: {{ count }}</div>
    const { ref } = Vue;
    const { createVueMdb } = VueMdb;
    const app = createVueMdb({
      setup() {
        const count = ref(0);
        return {count};

Starter Kit and Demo

You can clone the starter kit and demo from the GitHub repository and run it yourself to see it in action.

  1. vue3-mdb-starter - Vue MDBootstrap v2.0 starter kit project template.
  2. vue3-mdb-example - Vue MDBootstrap v2.0 component demos.

Released under the BSD-3-Clause License.